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Why Your Business Deserves a Legendary Name 👊🏾

The perfect brand name can help boost sales and impact your long-term success.

Grant Polachek
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Your Business Deserves a Legendary Name - Here are 3 Tips to Find One

Advertisements are everywhere! Just think about the last time you browsed the internet or social media; you were probably hit with a myriad of ads from various companies. How many of them can you recall? Most likely very few because there are so many of them. 

Businesses today can no longer stick “Inc.” or “and Associates” to their last name and call it a day. Today’s digital ecosystem requires that businesses have legendary names that evoke excitement and are easy for customers to remember. 

And considering your business name is the first thing customers will see, it’s a crucial part of your brand identity. In fact, a name is so important that business naming services dedicate their entire existence to helping clients through the process. 

But no matter how critical this process is, trust us when we say it doesn’t have to be that hard.

#1 Create A Complete Vision for Your Brand

The name is one of the most crucial aspects of a brand. So, when choosing the perfect name, entrepreneurs need to understand their business inside and out. This means knowing that a venture is what you do, and a brand is how you’re seen. 

The first step you should take in choosing a legendary business name is to have impeccable brand imagination. This is often the most overlooked and underrated tool for naming a business but is required to create a personality for your brand. 

  • How does your brand feel and look?
  • What tone does it symbolize?
  • What are the company values?
  • Does it evoke positive emotion in consumers?

Understanding these elements will put you in a much better position to progress through the naming process. Obviously, knowing your brand’s personality is crucial. So, what’s the proper way to do this?

Begin by considering these things:

  • How do your customers see you?
  • How do you compare to the competition?
  • Who are you in business?

Remember, this step will be the most time-consuming, but once you answer these questions, the following steps will seem simple. 

#2 Plan a Brainstorming Session

Most people consider this a fun step! Gather your team, business partner, friends, family, or whoever else, and start letting the creative juices flow. This step is not meant to be analytical, so there’s no evaluating the phrases and words - just write down everything that comes to mind. 

And don’t be scared to write down names that sound bad at first; you never know what will come of it later. If you get stuck in the brainstorming process, use these tools to add some zing: 

  • Thesaurus
  • Business Name Generator
  • Rhyming Words
  • Visual Names
  • Industry Slang
  • Root Words

The last tip we’ll share for this step is to remember to include people of all ages and backgrounds in your brainstorming session. Talking to various people gives you a better perspective of pre-eminent vs. innovative names and the types of people each relate to. 

Once you have a comprehensive list, you’ll start the shortlisting process. This is the step where you’ll cross off any names that don’t fit your audience or brand, only keeping those that are a great representation of your business. 

When your list is down to the last ten potential names, move on to the next step. 

#3 Validate the Name

Don’t we all wish our perfect name was at the top of our shortlist? Unfortunately, this rarely happens. It takes several steps to vet a business name. Before deciding on the right one for your company, be sure to check the following things:

  • Audience Feedback: The whole premise behind choosing a name is to pick one that resonates with your target audience. When the name doesn’t jive with the audience, it could mean disaster for your business. Be sure to ask as many people as possible, and remember to detach yourself from the names because others may not like your first choice. 
  • Secure a Domain: If you’ve chosen a name that doesn’t have a good available domain to go with it, there’s no point in pursuing the name unless you want to spend a lot on the premium domain. 
  • Trademark Test: Though this is not a fun process, it can save you money and legal issues down the road. And since most words have at least some trademark attached, it’s best to know upfront. 

The Bottom Line

The perfect brand name can help boost sales and impact your long-term success. So, be sure to spend enough time creating a desirable personality for your brand, and don’t skimp on the name! Choose one that’s strong, powerful, and has room to grow. You can use one of the leading crowdsource naming platform like Squadhelp.

Grant Polachek
Head of Branding
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Grant Polachek is the head of branding for, 3X Inc 5000 startup and disruptive naming agency. Squadhelp has reviewed more than 1 million names and curated a collection of the best available names on the web today. We are also the world's leading crowdsource naming platform, supporting clients such as Nestle, Dell, Nuskin, and AutoNation

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