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Emotional Intelligence: The Secret Weapon for Successful Leaders and Team


Employee Management

Emotional Intelligence: The Secret Weapon for Successful Leaders and Team

Employees always look up to their leaders; thus positive leadership style is vital. A positive and motivated leader is a source of encouragement to other members, which helps build...

July 20, 2023
min read
July 20, 2023
8 min read
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Emotional Intelligence: The Secret Weapon for Successful Leaders and Team

Employee management and leadership in workplaces today have changed significantly and require a more complex approach. The reality is that most of the successful organizations’ practices have shifted to be more people-oriented and focused on ethical practices. Emotional Intelligence is a critical element in this new paradigm for leaders. 

According to a global survey by the Harvard Business Review, organizations that emphasize emotional intelligence experience higher levels of employee productivity and engagement than their counterparts that under-invest in the same. More statistics show that emotional intelligence is responsible for 58% of job performance. This article explores emotional intelligence, its components, and how leaders can improve their emotional intelligence. 

What is Emotional Intelligence? And Why is it Important? 

Emotional Intelligence is defined as the ability or capacity to perceive, understand, manage, and use emotions positively and adaptively. It also entails recognizing and influencing the emotions of those around you. Generally, emotional intelligence helps an individual communicate effectively, build strong relationships, handle conflicts, and relieve stress. 

Emotional intelligence is made up of four key components. These components also refer to significant areas leaders should manage to be more emotionally intelligent. They include: 

  1. Self-awareness

 Self-awareness is the ability to know and understand one’s strengths and weaknesses. As a result, a self-aware individual can control their emotions, thoughts, and desires, especially when interacting with others. It’s considered the most important element of emotional intelligence. Why? One can effectively understand and connect with others only when one is self-aware of their emotions. 

  1. Self –management 

Self-management is the ability to manage emotions during difficult situations. It’s also referred to as the ability to maintain a positive outlook or a calm mental state in adverse situations. Only when a leader can govern their impulsive feelings and emotions can they lead others more effectively, especially in demanding scenarios. 

  1. Social awareness 

Social awareness refers to one’s ability to communicate and engage with others empathetically based on their emotions, needs, and concerns. Social awareness helps leaders adapt to various audiences and scenarios and adjust their tactics to communicate and collaborate more effectively with others. 

  1. Relationship management 

Relationship management is the ability to mentor, influence and maintain good relationships with others. It’s a skill that leaders to help them establish bonds and resolve conflicts within the team. 

Here is why emotional intelligence is an important part of strong leadership: 

  • It helps leaders have better interpersonal relationships with co-workers and employees. 
  • It promotes a positive workplace work culture, ultimately leading to increased productivity and efficiency. 
  • It helps leaders and their team members make better decisions during adversities. 
  •  It fosters effective communication between a leader and their time and among team members.
  • It improves accountability in the workplace. 
  • It results in higher employee engagement and a low turnover rate.

How Leaders Can Develop/Increase Their Emotional Intelligence

Below are ways leaders can develop their emotional intelligence to help them to be more effective in their roles:

  1. Focus on improving social skills

Leaders with better social skills can build good relationships and trust with their team, creating a great work environment. Generally, these skills distinguish great leaders from ordinary bosses struggling to manage their teams. 

What social skills should every leader exactly focus on mastering? They include:

  • Listening and communication (including non-verbal communication)
  • Approachability 
  • Authenticity 
  • Teamwork/collaboration 
  • Rapport building 
  • Respect for different types of people 
  1. Be aware of your emotional state and manage it

There is no exact way a leader should feel, but their emotions impact the kind of energy and motivation they extend to those around them. Therefore, it’s crucial for a leader to regularly evaluate their emotional state (how pleasant is it?), especially when interacting with other colleagues at the workplace. When leaders are self-aware, they easily know to control their emotions to lead and manage others more effectively. 

  1. Practice and lead with empathy 

Empathetic leadership is the key to establishing meaningful relationships with those they lead. It entails understanding the needs of others and being aware of their feelings and thoughts. Here are effective ways a leader can demonstrate empathy:

  • Show sincere interest in the needs and well-being of your team
  • Take interest and help employees with personal problems 
  • Be compassionate 
  • Set clear boundaries that are for the good of everyone on the team
  • Be a motivation to your team
  1. Take responsibility for your actions and reactions 

When leaders take responsibility for their actions, it cultivates a culture of accountability in an organization. It also shows other team members that transparency and honesty are essential even when they’re wrong. 

  1. Be positive and motivated. 

Employees always look up to their leaders; thus positive leadership style is vital. A positive and motivated leader is a source of encouragement to other members, which helps build a strong team. Additionally, positive leaders can often prepare and handle adverse scenarios if they occur. Above all, positive leadership tends to impact employee engagement and performance greatly. 

  1. Ask for and accept feedback without becoming defensive. 

A leader needs to understand how others perceive them and where they can improve to be more effective. It also plays a critical role in establishing trust and transparency. The best way to go about it is through asking and welcoming feedback. However, they shouldn’t be defensive as it breaks trust and could limit your team's honest communication. 

Bottom line 

Emotional intelligence in leadership is quite essential in the current world and future. But here is the best part: it’s a skill leaders can develop over time. For instance, the above-outlined ways to improve emotional intelligence are simple and practical. Organizations that pay attention to and invest in emotional intelligence leadership tend to have better engaged, productive, and motivated employees, which is critical for their success. 



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