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A Simple Guide to Expanding Your Talent Pool


HRM and Payroll Software

A Simple Guide to Expanding Your Talent Pool

According to a study by Upwork, close to 70% of businesses are hiring but struggling to source talent. Offering remote work options can help organizations attract candidates from multiple...

Harper Taylor
June 20, 2023
min read
June 20, 2023
8 min read
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Today's job market is very competitive. Having a diverse and expansive talent pool is crucial for an organization's success. A diverse workforce fosters innovation, creativity, and adaptability, which help drive better business outcomes. However, hiring managers often struggle to broaden their reach and find the right people for their open roles. This article presents a few uncommon ways for business and talent acquisition leaders looking to expand their talent pool and create a more inclusive hiring process.

The Importance of a Diverse Talent Pool

A diverse talent pool brings together individuals with varying skills, experiences, and perspectives, which can improve decision-making and problem-solving. According to a McKinsey report, companies with more diverse executive teams are 33% more likely to outperform their peers on profitability. A diverse workforce can also help businesses understand and serve their customers better, enhancing their competitive advantage in the market.

Challenges HR Managers Face in Expanding Their Talent Pool

HR managers face several challenges when attempting to expand their talent pool, such as:

  • Limited reach: Traditional recruitment strategies might not be effective to reach a wide enough pool of candidates, especially because it typically doesn’t consider workers from different geographic locations.
  • Unconscious bias: Unconscious biases can frequently have an impact on the hiring process and unintentionally exclude candidates from diverse backgrounds.
  • Skills gap: A lack of specialized skills within the local talent pool may require to explore other regions to find suitable candidates. 
  • Inadequate customization: HR leaders may struggle to expand their talent pool due to the use of generic job descriptions, which may not accurately represent the specific skills and qualifications required for a role in different regions, potentially discouraging diverse candidates from applying. 

Six Ways to Expand the Talent Pool:

  1. Embrace Remote Work:

According to a study by Upwork, close to 70% of businesses are hiring but struggling to source talent. Offering remote work options can help organizations attract candidates from multiple geographic locations and expand their talent pool. For example, several US companies are sourcing talent from Latin America, where there are numerous talented professionals in many fields, including finance, accounting, marketing, and sales. Remote work not only expands the talent pool but also allows companies to access specialized skills that may not be available locally.

  1. Utilize Technology and Social Media:

Leveraging technology and social media platforms can help reach a wider audience and tap into diverse talent sources. LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, as well as job boards and professional forums, can be used to advertise job openings and connect with candidates from different locations and backgrounds. The key is to tap into forums or groups where people from outside of your geographic location hang out.

  1. Partner with International Educational Institutions and Organizations:

Forming partnerships with international educational institutions and organizations can help organizations access a broader talent pool. Attending job fairs, organizing workshops or seminars, and collaborating with universities and vocational schools to establish a pipeline of potential candidates are some examples.

  1. Implement Inclusive and Bias-Free Recruitment Practices:

Reducing unconscious bias in the hiring process can help organizations attract a more diverse range of candidates. HR departments can start by anonymizing resumes, using structured interviews, and assembling a diverse interview panel. Additionally, providing training for hiring managers on unconscious bias can further promote a more inclusive hiring process.

  1. Focus on Transferable Skills Rather Than Specific Experience

Consider placing more emphasis on transferable skills rather than specific experience when hiring. This approach allows organizations to attract candidates with diverse backgrounds and encourages adaptability within the workforce. To implement this strategy, revise job descriptions and requirements to highlight transferable skills, such as problem-solving, teamwork, and adaptability. Incorporating skill-based assessments during the hiring process can also help identify candidates with the desired competencies.

  1. Foster a Global Talent Mobility Program:

Implementing a global talent mobility program can help organizations attract candidates from different regions while providing valuable international experience for existing employees. Such programs can involve job rotations, international assignments, or cross-border collaboration on projects, which can help organizations tap into diverse talent pools and cultivate a global mindset among their workforce.


Expanding your talent pool and creating a more inclusive hiring process are essential steps in ensuring your organization's success. By embracing remote work, utilizing technology and social media, partnering with international educational institutions and organizations, implementing inclusive recruitment practices, offering language and cultural training, and fostering a global talent mobility program, HR leaders can attract and retain diverse and qualified candidates from various geographic locations.

As the workforce and job market continue to evolve, it's crucial for HR managers to adapt and innovate their talent acquisition strategies. By embracing these unique and valuable insights, organizations can create a more diverse and inclusive workforce that drives success and growth.


(1) McKinsey & Company. (2018). Delivering through Diversity. Retrieved from 

(2) Upwork. (2022). Future Workforce Report. 

Harper Taylor
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